Innovation-Data is Power

Leading the way with research and development
In addition to our proprietary technology, we conduct research and development into technologies that can help us offer the latest solutions in an ever-changing market, including internet monitoring systems, data collection and predictive analytics for maintenance.

Testing to perform
At our own dedicated facility we test, set up and prove new entrance systems.
We focus on delivering the best in current technologies, while anticipating the future needs of our clients. Our offering to all clients is underpinned by our proprietary core processes. Data drives our service. This enables us to ensure work is carried out and delivered on time, and on budget.

ES Data – efficient job and asset management
We integrate several technology platforms so that we can provide seamless ‘just in time’ communication, enabling efficient job and asset management.

ES Insights – detailed visibility
By collating and using information from ES Data we can provide detailed visibility of assets and their life cycles. We deliver value-added insights and reports in order to finetune asset performance.

ES Standards – growing skills and knowledge
Our comprehensive quality and standards management ensures that our team has full training systems and programmes at hand, to develop skills and abilities. Our technicians undergo full technical training, and are kept up-to-date with the latest technical developments.

Success Stories

Some of our Clients